Thursday 20 August 2009

Booked it...

Here at The Northern Union we like books, (mainly the ones with lots of pictures and the ones where you can colour in... great) and we like sitting around.

Now we want some of these Penguin Classic Book deck chairs. 

Beach, book chair, sarnies full of sand. 



After the sublime success of Helvetica: The Movie (more of a fontography really), we here at The Northern can't wait to see Gary Hustwit's new film Objectified.

Through vérité footage and in-depth conversations, the film documents the creative processes of some of the world’s most influential product designers, and looks at how the things they make impact our lives. What can we learn about who we are, and who we want to be, from the objects with which we surround ourselves?

Oh and the quite excellent Michael C. Place and the merry people at Build have again designed some fantastic prints.

As soon as we have a whip round and sell the works experience lads left kidney we'll have a couple of these on our studio walls.

Now if only Gary Hustwit brought a screening up north, Sunderland, Newcastle, Durham, Brockley Winns anywhere will do Gary, when you're ready marra...

Sunday 12 July 2009

Twit Stick

We're bang on tidy with this twitting twittiness of tweeting and a peeping.

Check us out at The Northern Twitting Union for absolute randomness, insane pointless information, stalking pointers, sad obsessions with Big Brother losers and how depressed we are with the weather.

We like it warm.

But not this twitting warm.

Thursday 14 May 2009


Being dead fashionable and 'with it' and 'down with the kids on the street, aye' we're now on facebook.

Which is a social networking site dedicated to stopping people talking face to face, stalking and letting random people you once sat next to in Double History in 1987 see your holiday snaps.

And we're on it!

Please be our friend.

Monday 11 May 2009

Website update... and ice cream.

Well we've finally got round to updating our portfolio section of our website.

Just a shame the sun wasn't out when we took the photo's...bad times.

But we had ice cream ("Monkeys Blood on mine please") on the beach afterwards...good times.

Thursday 16 April 2009

While we don't like to ramble on and on about random things like our favourite crisp flavours (its a 50/50 Cheese & Onion and Smokey Bacon here), we will ramble on about this lovely design related forum called Design Forums.

We like it. 

It's (virtually) spam free and has a depth of creative talent on there, and the odd creative discussion, which is nice. 

Ran Flat...

A great way to start the day.

Wednesday 15 April 2009


We're a little busy updating our website at the moment.

But we've also been doing a fair few nice brands and logos. 

Here's a few of them above.

No children, animals or sand were harmed during the taking of this photo.